In April, I got to go to New York City with my mom and my older sister Julie. We have never taken a trip like that before with just the girls and no one else. It was a fast, fun-filled trip of sights, sounds, and scenery. According to my definition, this was a trip and not a vacation. A trip is something that you go on to do stuff and go sight-seeing with not much down time. A vacation is something that you take to "vacate" from the usual responsibilities of work and home, such as going to the beach and taking it easy with no agenda. Whatever your definition may be, we went to NYC to do the tourist thing this time. We had a lot of adventures, too many to name, but overall, we had more than a fun time, and I think about the time we had together a lot since I have been home. I will forever cherish the memories. I am seen here with the Statue of Liberty or officially titled
Liberty Enlightening the World. I looked her up on Wikipedia, and I love the meaning and symbolism of freedom she stands for. I do appreciate this great country that I am able to live in and all the freedoms that I enjoy. I think I have a special gratitude for being able to live here because I know that if I were to grow up in South Korea, where I was born, I probably would not have so many opportunities that I have had here. I shudder to think about where I could have ended up or any of the horrible things that could have happened to me as an orphan. But I am so grateful for being a Naturalized American Citizen: I have privileges to vote, get a job, and worship God in public. These are some of the things that I won't soon forget and all the blessings that even I cannot begin to count.
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