Jason and I just got back from Acquire the Fire Youth Conference with SURGE our church youth ministry over the weekend held at Kemper Arena. It is 27 hours packed with worship, teaching, laughter, commitments, and multimedia presentation.
Joel Johnson (Keller, TX) was the main speaker along with Unhindered Worship Band from Atlanta, GA. God's love was the theme, and it just permeated my soul about how much he really, really, really loves me! It is one thing to mentally assent to think it and just nod your head in agreement like I already know that God is love and that he loves me. But it is another thing to really know His love in an experiential way; something you can tangibly feel deep down inside that surpasses all knowledge.
I like how one of our youth testified that God really revealed his love to her, and it was just pure and simple, nothing like human relationships feel. Because when you really get a revelation of how much God loves you, the barriers and walls that you have built up inside collapse and are broken down and you can trust Him with your life. If you think that God doesn't love you because of how you messed up or he is causing havoc and the hurt and pain in your life, or at least "allowing it," then you will not be able to fully surrender and completely trust Him since somehow subconsciously you think that He is the one behind all the screwed up things in your excuse for a human being and your existence. I think a lot of people have misbeliefs that God is really mad at them or is just waiting to catch them at their worst moment and going to spring out from behind the heavenly realms to say, "Aha! I caught you! You really messed things up this time when you did (insert sin). Now I am going to make you pay!" So then we think how can I trust a God who is causing all this pain and/or sorrow and wreaking havoc on my life? I better just be in control of my own stuff and take my life into my own hands or not fully put my hope and trust in Him because you just never know what God is going to do. Well, we can't live like that or else the things he wants to do in our lives to make it better won't ever come to pass since we aren't fully surrendered. Sure God is merciful and gracious, and is better to us than we deserve, but sometimes, we live at such a low level of his best in our lives because we want to do things our way trying to protect our own interests, when really all God wants us to do is believe that what He says in his word is true, and that we can place our entire life, every part the good and the bad, and turn it over to him and follow him completely. This is what it comes down to, a choice, to trust in Him and that He loves us. Oh How He Loves us!
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